The Most Beautiful Dogs in the World

Amazingly, all of the beautiful, handsome, cute, and pretty dogs in the world come from one source—the majestic wolf.

But since the ancestors of today’s dogs were tamed over 14, 000 years ago, an astonishing array of breeds have come about. These dogs all have the 321 bones and 42 permanent teeth of a wolf but vary greatly in appearance. Here we will take a look of some of the best-looking breeds.

If you’re considering getting a dog, remember that no matter how big, little, smooth-haired, shaggy, fast, slow, playful, or dignified your choice, all dogs can make wonderful companions. Enjoy their companionship and remember they need plenty of love, care, and attention to be happy.

Thank you for your feedback in the polls. I have reordered this list according to your feedback. If you don’t see a breed that you think I should have included, please let me know in the comments!

Husky owners choose this special breed for their temperaments—a unique mixture of laid-back and sportive. These dogs are playful, happy-go-lucky, loving, and fond of their families. They have a keen, docile, relaxed, and casual way about them. They tend to howl rather than bark. Huskies will be friends with almost anyone, and, therefore, are not good watch dogs. They are happiest when around family members and are part of the group. Their gentle demeanors and group mentality make them very popular as a family dog.

Huskies are great jogging companions. They do much better in cooler climates due to their under and outer coats. These dogs were developed to run and need this daily exercise—elsewise, they will become bored. Their love of running also means you need to be careful before taking the leash off—they can run for miles before realizing they are lost. If a husky does not receive enough mental and physical stimulation, it can become very destructive. They eat very little compared to other dogs and can run great distances with very little water and food. This toughness made them ideal sled dogs.

The husky is good with other dogs if raised with them from puppyhood. They tend to be aggressive towards cats.
