So, you’ve decided it’s time to move. You do your research, choose your preferred neighborhood, and take the time to come up with several options for apartments you’d like to see. You set up viewings, find the perfect place, and send in an application. Then, alas, you’re rejected – but not because your credit isn’t where it should be or your income isn’t enough to cover the rent. It’s because of your dog! Now, because of breed restrictions, you’re not only out an application fee, but you have to start the whole process over again.
Unfortunately, many apartment buildings and landlords enact strict breed restrictions, which can make it difficult for renters with restricted pups to find a place to live. These days, though, breed restrictions are coming under a lot of heat from activists and animal organizations who think they simply aren’t fair. Take a look at what breed restrictions are, why many activists are against them, and what you can do if you have a blacklisted breed:
What Are Breed Restrictions?
Breed restrictions are just what they sound like: Certain breeds and their mixes are banned from living in certain buildings, houses and apartments. That means that even if Fido is a mutt, he may not make the cut, depending on the various breeds in his mix. Breed restrictions came about in an effort to protect people from what some consider “dangerous” breeds – especially pit bulls. In other words, if dangerous pets aren’t allowed in, there’s a lesser chance attacks or bites will happen.
There are three reasons dogs may be blacklisted from living in an apartment building. For one, some cities and counties have enacted breed-specific legislation that can ban breeds from even entering the city or county limits. Another common reason for restrictions is insurance companies, many of which have blacklists that the buildings or apartments they insure must abide by. Finally, breed restrictions may be the decision of the building’s landlord or management company.
Commonly Banned Dog Breeds
Pit bulls are the most commonly banned dog breed, and the ban extends to any pit bull mix as well. Other dogs commonly found on blacklists include mastiffs, Rottweilers, Alaskan malamutes, Siberian huskies, Doberman pinschers, Akitas, terriers, bulldogs, and several others. Dogs are typically restricted because of a perceived tendency to be aggressive or attack, or sometimes if they’re particularly large or strong.