Girl Puppy Names
Need some great girl puppy names? Here is our top list of names.
Want a dog’s name based on your breed’s country of origin?
Want your dog’s name to reflect her color? Check out our dog name pages reflecting color of hair.
Hungry for a Food Name for Your dog?
Quick Rules for Choosing Good Girl Puppy Names
- Short is Good: Dogs usually hear the first syllable. A two syllable name is good, but more than that may be overkill. If you love a 3 syllable name, consider that for formal registration paperwork and shorten it for the dog’s sake. (For example, I have a little boy named Mr. Kool Beans. He goes by Beannie.
- Words ending in an “a” or “e” sound work well.
- Two syllable words are easiest to teach.
- Choose a name you can hear yourself shouting down your road (You never know when your sweet little fur ball is going to take off.)
- Be sure any name you pick will be appropriate at a veterinary office, groomer, dog park or boarding kennel.